
Retreats and Workshops offered in Philadelphia or at your location

Clergy Well-Being: Balancing Your Ministry, Renewing Your Life:  An Urban Retreat in Philadelphia

Thursday, August 29, 2018 with Revs. Larry Peers and Debora Jackson

Are you feeling the need for more balance, renewal, and resilience in your religious leadership and your life?  Do you want to approach this coming congregation year in some qualitatively different ways? Is this the time for you to develop some perspectives and practices that will sustain you rather than drain you? Join Larry Peers and Debora Jackson in a small group (of up to 15) day-long retreat focused on:

  • Revising your limiting narratives about religious leadership
  • Learning from some short presentations on clergy well-being and flourishing in ministry and how these relate to effectiveness
  • Using well-being self-assessments and learning to make specific course corrections
  • Recognizing why self-care is not enough
  • Experiencing mindfulness and self-compassion practices
  • Learning to reduce the negative impact of stress on your life and ministry with the practices of HeartMath®

This retreat will get you started on developing a plan for composing the next chapter of your religious leadership so you can move toward sustained well-being and cultivate resilience.  For more information and to register go to This Page 

Spiritual and Leadership Renewal for Mid-Career Clergy: A Retreat (2 days)

Each season of ministry has its own rewards and challenges. By the time we are mid-career, we are facing questions, decisions and discernment that would have never occurred to us when we began our ministry How we navigate and respond to this critical period of ministry has an impact on our personal, spiritual and ministerial lives. Mid-career is a particular threshold in ministry that may feel age-related or related to where you are in your own professional development. Mid-career can feel as if we are “in the middle” of our ministry, with some years behind us but still in sight of the finish line. We get to self-define it.

In this retreat, we will engage in presentations, personal and small-group reflections and spiritual practices in which we listen deeply to our own gathered wisdom and to the emerging imagination of our ministry—so that we can discern next steps. There will be pre-readings and self-assessments prior to the retreat.

Finishing Strong, Ending Well: Crafting the Culminating Chapter of Your Ministry

Are you planning to retire from full-time ministry during the next two to ten years?  This event will help you make these years a vital, intentional time for culminating your ministry and also a time of exciting preparation for what’s next.  The experience will not only your own prepare you for the next stage of your life and ministry, it will also help you work and plan effectively with your congregation in order for you to finish strong and end well.

Cultivating Conflict-Competent Leadership: A Half-day Workshop

Conflict is inevitable—even in not-for-profit and religious organizations. Our awareness of and our responses to conflict as leaders can have a significant impact on our capacity to lead and to serve. In this seminar, you will:

  • Recognize perspectives and practices that can tilt an interaction toward constructive engagement of differences and conflict
  • Learn your own tendencies and hot buttons
  • Use the Conflict Dynamics profile to observe and reflect upon your conflict dynamics
  • Work on representative cases in the group
  • Develop actionable insights and a personalized plan for cultivating your own conflict-competent leadership

If interested, contact Larry: larry_at_lawrencepeers_dot_com